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GMO-free Milk?
When a 🐄 eats #GMO food does that mean she produces GMO-milk??? • The answer: ❌ • When a #cow eats GMO crops such as 🌽 or soy, her...

Monosodium Glutamate MSG
Have you paid extra for a product that said ‘#NoMSG’❓Probably. • Reality ➡️ MSG is NOT a scary ingredient found in Chinese food or...

BEST BY vs. USE BY date
Most foods have a date printed somewhere on the package, but what does this date stamp mean? • Do I need to throw the food away after...

Whole Grains
Did you know that #popcorn is a whole grain?! • YES ‼️ this easy to make and fun to eat snack can help you meet your whole grain & fiber...

Is it a Fruit or Vegetable?
Are cucumbers 🥒 a #vegetable or a #fruit? • To be a fruit 🍉 🍎 the food must have seeds. So technically, a #cucumber is a fruit. 🆒 •...

Over 45% of consumers buy foods or beverages because the product says #natural on the label.¹ • What does “natural” or “made with natural...

White vs. Brown Eggs
What is the difference between a white #egg and brown 🥚? • Nutrition? ❌ • Taste? ❌ • Quality? ❌ • Chicken’s feather color? Not...

Gluten Free
“I’m trying to be healthy so I’m eating a gluten free diet” 🛑 S.T.O.P. . Gluten = a type of protein found in #wheat, #rye, and #barley....

OMG, it's a GMO! . Before we freak out, let's figure out what these 3️⃣ letters actually mean. . G.M.O. stands for Generically Modified...
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