Have you paid extra for a product that said ‘#NoMSG’❓Probably.

Reality ➡️ MSG is NOT a scary ingredient found in Chinese food or packaged foods that causes headaches, nausea, or brain damage 🚫
MSG = #MonoSodiumGlutamate 🤷♀️ Let’s break that down...
Glutamate = an amino acid (the building blocks of protein)
Glutamate is naturally found in 🥩 , 🐟 , 🥛, and many veggies
If #MSG is added to food you will see it called out on the ingredient label. The @FDA and scientists around the 🌎 have done a lot of research to determine that MSG is a safe ingredient to use for enhancing flavor.¹
Whether we eat #glutamate from foods (🍅, parmesan cheese, mushrooms) or seasoning, our bodies digest it the exact same way.
Why do we love MSG?
❇️Taste – it provides that savory, delicious taste called #Umami.
❇️Nutrition – because you only need a little MSG to season your food. You can actually ⬇️ your 🧂 intake by 2/3 when replacing table salt with MSG.
⚠️Flavoring your food with MSG is perfectly safe (and delicious). #NoshItFoodFacts#WhyUseMSG
Side note: Glutamate (the amino acid) and gluten (the protein found in wheat) are two completely different things. If you have celiac disease you are able to consumer MSG without a problem, however, some products like soy-sauce may have both MSG + gluten
Keep an eye out on the NoshItFoodFacts Instagram stories for a MSG taste-test👩🏼🔬
¹ FDA. https://www.fda.gov/food/food-additives-petitions/questions-and-answers-monosodium-glutamate-msg