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Fruits and Veggies

Writer: Elieke Kearns, PhD, RDElieke Kearns, PhD, RD

Guess what, fruits and veggies are good for you 🙃 I know, you know, but 9️⃣ out of 🔟 Americans are not meeting the 🥬🍅🍒🍏 recommendations.¹ A new meta-analysis (a research paper that combines the 📊 of multiple studies…in this case over 90 studies) found that eating more fruits and veggies can help prevent disease, with really strong data for cardiovascular disease when at least 800g of fruits and/or veggies are eaten per day (about 5 servings).²

If your excuse is that preparing 🍌🍊 and 🥦🌽is too much work then here’s some good news. You don’t always have to chop that 🥬, soak the beans, or slice 🥕 – adding fruits and veggies to your meal can be as simple as pouring 💯% juice into your cup, opening a can of beans, or steaming frozen pre-cut 🥦.

Eating canned fruits and veggies has been associated with a high intake of important nutrients (think fiber, vitamins, etc).³ Just make sure to buy the low-sodium option and rinse the veggies to remove excess salt.

Whether fresh,🥫, frozen, dried, or 100% juice, the most important thing is that we eat a variety of fruits and veggies 🌈 good for your long term health and your immediate satisfaction because you’re making smart (and convenient) food choices. Boom. #NoshItFoodFacts

How many Fruits and Veggies do I need each day?¹

🚹 19-50yrs: 3cups veggies + 2cups fruit

🚺19-50yrs: 2.5cups veggies + 1.5-2cups fruit

🧒🏼&👧🏽 4-8yrs: 1.5cups veggies + 1.5cups fruit

September is National Fruit & Veggies month – join me by taking the #HaveAPlantPledge to add one more 🥕🌽🥬🍅 to your routine every day this month. #HaveAPlant


¹ USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020.

² @drtaylorwallace et al. "Fruits, vegetables, and health: A comprehensive narrative, umbrella review of the science and recommendations for enhanced public policy to improve intake." Critical reviews in food science and nutrition (2019)

³ Freedman, Marjorie R., and Victor L. Fulgoni III. "Canned vegetable and fruit consumption is associated with changes in nutrient intake and higher diet quality in children and adults: NHANES 2001-2010." Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2016


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